Our purpose must be restored in our generation. The vision and the focus of the fellowship is evangelism. It is to educate our people and to train our youth. The National Holy Trinity Baptist Fellowship Association, Inc., will conduct seminars, classes, and workshops to create a better understanding of the Holy Bible, our duty and responsibility. It is all for the Glory of God. Therefore, we must all be held accountable for the success and the performance of our spiritual growth. It is important that we evaluate our performance. Our performance shall be measured by our quality of work, participation, attendance, and networking. All leaders of The National Holy Trinity Baptist Fellowship Association, Inc., are on a three year leadership evaluation. Assessing our leadership will help assist us to ascertain the quality of the leaders in his or her assigned area of the Association for the Glory of God. We must unite together to lead the people of God to another level in Christ Jesus.
We are committed to the Spirit of Excellence, which is the Spirit of the Holy Trinity —The Father, The Son, and The Holy Ghost.
Holy Trinity Baptist Fellowship Association was born out of a deep desire of Presiding Bishop Harris Hayes and Christians from all denominational backgrounds to reach the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It was realized that when Churches and Ministries pull together under the Anointing of the Holy Spirit at attack the strongholds of Satan, much can be accomplished.
The reason Holy Trinity Baptist Fellowship was formed was to channel the efforts of preachers from all over the Nation, State and District into a unified, proven plan to reach the lost and dying with the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Our mission is harvesting souls and transforming lives for the Kingdom of God and His work, as we strive to direct generations back to God and develop love for one another. It is our task to evangelize and make disciples for Christ. It is essential for us to bring our Church to the ‘standard’ of meeting the challenges
of the 21st century.
The call to win the lost is clear. “Go ye into the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” (Mark 16:15) Holy Trinity Baptist Fellowship Association is answering that call and we would like to extend an invitation to you to join us. This is not about denomination, and we pray it never will be. It is, however, a Fellowship of ministers and churches united in their efforts to reach the world for Jesus. How do I, as an individual, affiliate myself with Holy Trinity Baptist ssociation? There are several ways to join the Fellowship Family, and the method you choose depends on what God has called you to do.
• Christian Worker
• Licensed Minister
• Ordained Minister
• Church Affiliation
For more information contact, Holy Trinity Baptist Fellowship Association, 1700 Mchugh Road, Baker Louisiana 70714.